Tuesday, December 30, 2008
i can be a klutz
i can be a perfectionist
i can be a worrier who sweats the small stuff
i can be a crybaby
i can be the universe's meaniest person to oneself.
i can choose to go on and on and on beating myself up and not do anything about it.
i can also make small and big things happen
i can make a difference in people's life
i can be a better person
i can be very patient
i can be everything i want to be
only if the mind wants to.
and i choose the later.
and the mind really really needs that ALL THE TIME.
yes Sofi, ALL THE TIME.
please make that as a habit.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
law of AVERAGES, not law of insanity.
law of ATTRACTION,not law of destruction.
fully mentally-abled, but not physically-abled.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
for what's worth, all the birthday celebrations&wishes is/was truly magical and from the bottom of my heart,i sincerely thank you.
i love you.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Though age is just a number, what matters most, lies in your heart and in your mind, ESPECIALLY in your MIND. You have just got to keep on believing in yourself. Listen to the good stuffs and do good things. Dream BIGGGGGGGGGGGGG and keep on going and going and going and going and going and going and going and GOING and GOING. I believe in you.
Happy 22nd Birthday, I love you Sofi.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
so, i've been reading, listening,talking and watching about stuffs related to work&life and, i am really really beginning to understand why the sky is blue. there are a lot of nay-sayers, faulty thinking messed up in our brains and people who tend to resonates negativity with us when we entertain such thoughts. the sad truth is that these "people" could also be me. these negativities will then manifest into the most wicked things of them all. but the best deal here is that in one second, it can all change into a whole different dimension and bring anyone to the moon. at this point of time, let's not care if it's unrealistic, be affected by the judgements of others/the scarecrow and entertain the what-ifs. the real deal here is that
i believe. i feel. i desire. i want. i write. i draw. i talk. i dream. i visualize. i see.
and i know.
Monday, November 03, 2008
so please, Sofi,
and REMEMBER, what goes down must come up and what goes up, only stays up.
good day! :)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
well, i may not the best judge of characters, but the law of attraction never fails.
it ONLY comes from within.
and i have a good feeling about this
this is nice
this is good.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
teresa: are you CRAZY??!??!?!?! guys are idiots! it's not that they are indifferent, it's just that they can't seeeeeee! and they REALLY REALLY can't seee.
HAHA. teresa, i miss those analysing moments with you, especially the part where we both go, "OHHMYYGODD! yes yes!YES!!! why ahhh???" haha. and then, as we go deeper, psychoanalyse, ponder and wonder, we realised that seriously, it's just like that! :)
maybe that's why Allah made it such that men and women are different.
maybe that's why we have this amusingly inexplicable affinity.
maybe that's why i love him so much in so many ways.
and when i tried to look into his mind, put on his hat, i realised that it paints a better picture.
a picture with vibrant colours, not too much, nor too little, but just right.
just right.
buttttttttt, he just had to spoil the moment, and said this,
zak: ehh. does your sister have thomas THE TRAIN DVD??
me: huh?what?
zak: thomas the TRAINNNNN..
me: huh?
zak: thomas the TRAINNNN. anaqy wants to watch it!
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
from noon till about eleven-ish or so, we were "attacked" consistently from one big adams family to another. brother had to warn us and say, "ANOTHER ONE! INCOMING! GET READY!" go go go!! haha. as usual, it was quite chaotic but really REALLY, sometimes i wish my mum stays out of the kitchen, entertain the guests ONLY and leaves me alone, to do the serving. i know what to do, more of, i know what SHE SPECIFICALLY WANTS me to do. and if its not her way, hell breaks loose:/ i think hosting an open house is a better option for us, but then again, dad loves people consistently coming to his place. it keeps the house lively:) so, mari-mari datang rumah happy raya ohkayyyyyy! haha.
so, yes, bik nana's HUGE family came on sunday and we tried taking pics of the third generation. coincidentally, most of the kiddos wore checked that day. and this is what we get.
adam cried because he accidentally dropped his mummy's phone under that big fat red sofa at my house. riskin showed a forced smile. haris, checking out on riskin and afif, being a protective brother.
almost perfect. buttttttt incomplete!
now, better, but only yasmin is picture-approved!
more of my camera couldnt take it anymore and the kids waved the white flag and obviously, my camera sucks. haha
butttttttt, i think this was a good shot of baby haidar.
baby model.
handsome giler ahh.
and his eyes. and his everything. can i be yours haidar?haha
superwoman, inspire me PLEASE.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
anyway, i think the best part about raya is meeting people. meeting far far away relatives&friends and listening to interesting stories about them. like how i met my second/third cousin who works at singapore zoo and got bitten by a python! you should have seen the marks and stitches on her hand and how she looked so cool and calm about it. and of course! babiesssssss. oooooh how fast they have grown. baby marsha who is already SIX months old!so so gerammm la!
dadsterrrrr, you are ze best laaaaaa.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
he made his face like a lion roaringggg and said,
"fafi! i'm a MONSTERRRRRRRRR!"
zikry and i laughed so hard because he looked totally innocent and cute after he acted like a monster.
only much later, we came into my brother's room and saw the "beautiful" drawings that he did on my brother's wardrobe.
he stood there, and said, "colli fafi" (sorry auntie sofi)
how can you everrrr be angry with this boyyyy?
it's the part after it which does:)
Selamat hari raya.
Maaf zahir dan batin.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
oooh oooh! how can i forget to blog about this! so anywayyy, last saturday nadi invited us to her place for one of her awesome fiesta, where we have to cook from scratch. this time round is mexican food with yummy taste like taco bells and lots and lots of lime nachos. but the sad truth is that, both zak and i have no idea how to cook at all and we basically took instructions from nadi and izk.haha. it was a mad rush from 5-7pm with the ikea people delivering furnitures during buka. but nevertheless, the food was finger-licking good. thank you nadi! more more moree!! and nadiah! so tey-ney-ney laaa... last minute kennot make it!:( next time k hun!

Two thumbs-up for 84 minutes of solid emotional roller coaster ride of grey's anatomy.
and my favourite, favourite part....... :)
Meredith narrating: We all remember the bed time stories of our childhood. The shoe fit Cinderella, the frog was turned into a prince, sleeping beauty was awakened with a kiss. Once upon a time and then they lived happily ever after. Fairy tales. The stuff of dreams. the problem is, fairy tales don't come true. It's the other stories. The ones that start in dark and stormy nights and end in the unspeakable. The nightmares always seem to become the reality.
Meredith narrating: Once upon a time, happier ever after. The stories we tell are the stuff of dreams. Fairy tales don't come true. Reality is much stormier. Much murkier. Much scarier.
ultimately, it's how we deal with the nightmares. it's the part after IT that matters.the part where we make it right.we will get there someday, somehow, somewhere.
Monday, September 29, 2008
went to last-min shopping and bought bagssss that day.
me: my BAG is gorgeous laaaaaaaaa.
zak: your BACK is gorgeous????? *stops and looks at my back*
me: ZAKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!
zak: that was so random and out of the blue laaaa.
on the way to buy stuffs for raya.
me: okay. should we go geylang or ikea first? i need to go to ikea to buy BOXES.
zak: you need to buy BOXERS at IKEA???? *priceless look*
zak cannot defend his winning tittle of kentalness cannnnn. who on earth would say that their BACK is gorgeous and be proud of it??? and go ikea especially to buy BOXERS, seluar dalam or coliiiiii??? zak, apasal kau kentalllll ah? haha. sayangggggggggggggs:)
so, anyway, i am soooooo excited to do something different to my room.not sure whether i want to shift the bed and tables. but i am damn sure of getting rid of my notes or sell it on e-bay(ceyyyyy! action sia! haha. but it's my hard-earned effort! LOL).this room needs a breath of fresh air. and yessssssss, THAT JP benjamin sale at hyatt was damn worth it laaaaaaa. 6 bags of Guess for $180?me and syirin went HYPER-CRAZYYYY(literally), and it doesn't matter if we sat on the floor in the middle of the room filled with equally kiasu people, wearing killer heels, freaking last-minute news, super broke(exhausting savings:( ), missing from work for THREE hours, and if the whole world saw seluar dalam laaaaaaaaa.we totally felt satisfied:)butttttttt though the guilt sets in immediately after paying, at this point of time, i wish i bought moreeeeeeeeeee.HAHA. thank you cilin! sayangggg kau. aku PON suka melaram. haha.
and yeah!!
yeh yeh! nak dekat raya!:)
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
i just bought my third pair of shoes in a month and in the NAME OF SHOES, thou shall NEVER EVER EVER SAY ENOUGH. i like how the shoe was named, "Goddess" and it truly made me feel that i'm fully in control and ready to rule the world, anytime, when i put it on. you know, the feeling of being a little bit sexy and more confident of yourself. i like it. but taking minute steps and "beautifying" my feet with cute plasters all over my feet made me think thrice about it. oh wellsss, i must get use to this.
till then, it's full throtleeeeeeeeeeee babyyyyyyyy.
and i better get use to that too :/
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
1) let it be known that, SYED ISKANDAR HAMZAHHHHH, i am so SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know the results of the competition is not out yet, but i think that your last minute creation of the 3-min video to lonely planet is very professionally done! i LOVE the music. i LOVE the photos and i LOVE everything about it! and like you said to me, "if you are up there, don't forget me kayyyy" HAHAHA.
my bags are packed. how about yours? ceyyyyyyyyyyy.dream on la sofi! haha.
he wants to know what you think!:) go visit isk@my links!:)
2)for three consecutive years, we are the loyal followers of raz's performances and it's no-different this year, whether we have a jargon of our own or not. butttt honestly, the KAKI GAJAH, lari-lari with hands behind our pantat and my hair-band sandal was CLASSIC laaaa.

3) my sis's family just took family pictures at the botanic gardens and the photography is superb! it must be hard for the kids to stay still and SMILE but nevertheless, whatever they do is always a picture moment. gerammmmmmmm!

my mind is settled.
my heart is calm.
and she is placated:)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Friday, September 12, 2008

which is why, i think,
i listen too much.
i care too much
i love too much.
nonsense pictures on nonsense days with you.
and i love you,
like a lot.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
i was full of angst, but i kept it within me.
choices are given, but somehow, with a lot of irrational restrictions.
i hold on to this strongly;
"i am stronger and more patient than this"
but sometimes i forget about it and wail horribly.
i need a breath of fresh air
and i wish you are a little bit more supportive.
those words you said are just words,
which are, as usual, of no value to me.
thank god i listen selectively, and hear only the good things.
it's not something new, but sometimes, i wish you can cut me some slack.
if it's good, then good.
and if it's bad, then i learn.
so i got myself almond magnum and pick myself up.
with all that's said and done,
i tell myself;
i am stronger and more patient than this.
i am definitely stronger and more patient than this.
Friday, September 05, 2008
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who knows what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe somehow you will
You will when you believe
In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer bird
Too swiftly flown away
Yet now I'm standing here
My hearts so full, I cant explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought Id say
There can be miracles
When you believe
They don't always happen when you ask
And its easy to give in to your fears
But when you're blinded by your pain
Cant see the way, get through the rain
A small but still, resilient voice
Says hope is very near
There can be miracles
When you believe
i sincerely do.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
anwayyyyy, I am so so thankful that after so longgggggg, I can finally mean what i say and say what i mean, thattttttttttttttttttttt I am a GRADUATE!
*throw hats high above the air!*
Monday, September 01, 2008
In the light of Ramadhan, i wish to grow closer with You.
In the light of Ramadhan, i wish that every challenge i face is with a lot of patience and faith.
In the light of Ramadhan, i wish to be a better Muslim.
ESPECIALLY in the light of Ramadhan.
Happy Ramadhan:)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
i hate it.
but, maybe i haven done everything and anything that i THOUGHT i have done. maybe there is something ELSE that i can do about it. maybe there are OTHER reasons and thus, other consequences. maybe it REALLY takes TIME to put an end to the misery. maybe i SHOULD be a little bit more patient and STOP crying.
because eventhough there is no certainty to it, there is always a possibility.
stay POSITIVE sofi.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
haha. i am being realistic, rite? LOL.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
1) level camp@labrador with 18 coaches and herding 20 kids is not bad as it seems:)

my favourite!
damn fun! the more aggresive, the BETTER! haha.

dog and bone game.
coach sham: all the even numbers! go to coach abul and hug him!
LOL. it was damn chaotic and i don't know how abul got away faster when that IDIOT did the same thing to me.HAHA.
but the best wwas on the last NIGHT of the camp, mindless coach sham,abul,syirin,su,zak and myself went to geylang,ecp and sentosa and stayed in the car. laughed at each others antics every single second with eyes closed. no idea how we did it, but OHMYGOD, korang GEREK NAK MAMPOS LAAA! haha.
more more more!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
1) zak is the class monitor. really. like seriously.
2) values are really important.especially PATIENCE(which most of us always forget and take it lightly. i can go on and on about this, but i guess we shall just self-reflect it upon ourselves:) )
3) Dr. Haim Ginott is THE MAN:
teachers - instrument of power.
I have come to a frightening conclusion.
I am the decisive element in the classroom.
It is my personal approach that creates the climate.
It is my daily mood that makes the weather.
As a teacher I possess tremendous power to make a child's life miserable or joyous.
I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration.
I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal.
In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis
will be escalated or de-escalated, and a child humanized or de-humanized.
so, salutes to all teachers. teachers of the different subjects, teachers of love and teachers of life:)
4) i have to do freaking assignment and a test. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.
5) shaz is not as quiet as i thought she would be! LOL:)
so, it's not that bad as it seems. and seeing Dr Haim Ginott's hypothesis in a different light, all that matters is YOU, yourself, as one can just be an instrument of inspiration, a decisive element in any environment, a tremendous power to make anyone's life joyous and de-escalate a crisis.
you - instrument of inspiration :)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
with all my heart and soul.

and i think i am getting DARKER, no, not tan-ner, but DARKER. wailsssss! haha
Sunday, July 20, 2008
BUTTSISTAS went wild @ DG on 19th July 2008!
su happy feet was really hungry and immeasurably ecstatic.
i won this game! wheeeeeeeeeee:)))), but not the jungle freeze game:( LOL!
PAPARAZZI! PAPARAZZI! very action laaa birthday girlssssss..
the face game with impressions & it was damn hilarious laaaa!
bariah's: the one who snorts instead of laughing.OMGGG. so true! haha. love u la minah.
seethal, don't be retarded and get yourself a blog k. love youuu!:)
kana love, whatever it is, we are here if you need anyone to lean on okay?*hugs. go and KICK-BUTT for your TP okay hun?:)
and THEN, su octopus called up randomly to meet up.
went to NUM and su went "over the top" with zak's SR classmate whom zak can't even remember his name, but i do!!haha( i know, zak kental haloba!haha)
the walk from PS to Cine was super kelakar nak mampos especially having my arms locked with su on my left, and zak on my right.made our way to labrador adventure camp to hang out with coach syirin, coach wanie and the rest.
abul, kau PerangaiMacamSial(PMS).MASIH ader scrambler, suruh zak ambik from labrador park alll to way to kau punya palace laaaa, and BACK to labrador park laaaaa. haha!
and then, still can be FASHIONABLY LATE because "nak carik wax untuk rambut"
You deserve to be smack la eh abul!
met this super jambu budak ite.
MAMPOS! haha. cilin! sayang kau gils babs:)
Love is a much more barbaric emotion than we think.
It doesn't civilise or soften the edges of life at all,
but what i do strongly believe in is that,
Love, is always all around, and always there:)
i love you. i seriously do:)
thank you guys.*hugs
Blog Archive
- this is basi laa.but makkkkkkkkk.kennot take it lo...
- one day before 18th Novemeber 2007.zak yayapapaya ...
- i cringe everytime i read the previous post, espec...
- Dear Sofi, Though age is just a numb...
- Do you think you have a psychological problem?beca...
- starting from tomorrow, i am going to wear my Hava...
- i think i have been losing myself lately that i FO...
- this is nice:) i like my training mates in AIMS an...
- we care about you. we care about you. we care abou...
- me: sometimes, i wish that i am a guy, indifferent...
- i have no idea how i survived the war last sunday....
- i think because my mum cooked the rendang three da...
- yesterday, he came into my room in this state.he m...
- edited//oooh oooh! how can i forget to blog about ...
- i like to talk:) talking helps with every sense of...
- ohh goody.i just bought my third pair of shoes in ...
- UPDATESSSSSSSSSSSSS.1) let it be known that, SYED ...
- awwww... sayangs.*hugs.:)
- AKV. i think this is the order of my learning sty...
- the fifth seasonnow, this is sweeeeeeeeeeeeet.25th...
- emotions aside,rationally, i think i am busy growi...
- sunday.i was full of angst, but i kept it within m...
- There can be miraclesWhen you believeThough hope i...
- sometimes, throughout my life, i think that you ar...
- In the light of Ramadhan, i wish to grow more with...